Plant pathology and ecology

Plant pathology and ecology

The weak spots of a sensitive plant: when and why to attack a plant


The ideas are there, the theory still has to be build... and after that I have to find time to write it...


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Climate change-d the plant: air polution made the plant sensitive


Not only ideas on this website, but also results from my time as a researcher at pcfruit. Stemphylium infections of pear fruits, a new disease since 2003. Was it imported, or a fungi that changed and became pathogenic? What strated as a clasic search for answers revealed that it is not a new desease, but a change in sensitivity of the plant.

Fire blight: a disease or a coincidence?


The ideas are there, the theory still has to be build... and after that I have to find time to write it...


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Mycoplasma in trees: symptoms of burn out?


The ideas are there, the theory still has to be build... and after that I have to find time to write it...


If you want to be informed when the theory is published, you can send a mail to:

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