


The first plant was a fusion of bacteria that formed an eukaryotic cell with photosynthetic capabilities. The plants as we know are the product of evolution starting from this unicellular plants. By looking at the end product of evolution with a lot of questions and wonderment, one can unravel the reason why the plants of today are as they are. Different ideas are presented here that raveled me and asked for explanation. The ideas were build by trying to respect logic without creating new postulates.

This website presents my view.

My name is Stijn Van Laer. I am interested in science, studied biology, did research and now have "plant philosophy" as a hobby. And now I have some ideas I want to share. These ideas are the product of the passion of finding an answer to questions that puzzeled me.




Basic rules I try to respect building a theory:


The driving force of the theories is evolution. Survival of the fittest, energy efficiency and natural selection are basic principals that have to be respected when building a theory. Furthermore logic is very important, as new postulates have to be avoided if possible.


The attitude for building a theory is that of a young child, looking at the world with a lot of wonderment and a lot of questions. Everything can be questioned, what is known and what is not. Only then a leap forward is possible.




Because it is a hobby and far from a priority, time is limited to spend to "plant philosophy". I rather spend my time on building a theory then writing it down... (most of the ideas on this website are already a few years old. And not all my ideas are already on this website...) That is one of the reason why I opted to publish on the web and to make this blog. Furthermore, the web is the most direct way to reach and get in contact with other persons that have the same interests and want to share ideas. Having a good discussion is one of the goals of this website. It is also the ideal way to put the theories to the test. Being completely open on the ideas someone has, is the fast way forward!!!!



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